Sunday, May 07, 2006


Why does everyone run us around in circles?

I came across a random blog article that mentioned the immigration isssue, and the blogger said that a responder to a previous post pointed out to him that the U.S. "stole" California from Mexico.

I wanted to leave a comment pointing out the humorous facts that Mexico "stole" California from Spain in a war of independence, but that Spain did not steal the region from Native Americans as some people might think. Rather, Pope Alexander VI divided the New World between Spain and Portugal. Of course, God's representative on Earth has full authority to decide such matters, and if God did it then it can't be stealing, can it?

But Blogspot wouldn't let me leave a comment without logging in, and I thought it better to log in to my own site first and then go over there. But when I got to the site (called Treading Syrup) it wanted me to log in again. So I said, "forget it," and hit the back button, and had to log in again to get back to my site. Boo!