Wednesday, September 27, 2006

History of Lost Island

I've been putting this off for a long time, but have to get my theory up before the new season of "Lost" starts tonight. There is a lot of stuff online about the series, so probably nothing here will be news, but I've spent like 20 minutes total looking at the stuff online and didn't see this anywhere.

As far as we know the history of people on the island starts with the ship, the "Black Rock." By the way, it seems like some characters give good clues and others give bad clues. Hurley gives good clues. At the end of one episode he was drying his clothes over a fire and wanted to be told when they found a laundry. Of course, they found a laundry in the hatch later.

But, back to the Black Rock. When they saw chained skeletons in it Kate gave a bad clue that it was a slave ship. I saw online where someone said that the timeline was wrong and it was more likely a prison ship headed for Australia. My theory is like the Mutiny on the Bounty that lead to the settlement of Pitcairn Island. But regardless of which theory is right we know one fact: there were two groups on the ship - the people in chains and the people not in chains.

That's right, there are two groups of "Others."

The Others sent a spy, Ethan Rom, (I'm writing this offline, so can't check my names and other facts) into the group of survivors. He was an expert fighter. All of them seem to be. You don't have a group of expert fighters unless they have to fight someone.

Also, when Jack chased Michael, but was confronted by the bearded Other, Jack challenged him over sending a spy into their group. He looked at Jack blankly until Jack said the name Rom. My first thought was that the blank look was because the bearded man didn't know anything about the spy because he was from the other group. But then I decided that he was trying to figure out if Jack knew that one of the survivors was working with the Others. I know who and why the person is helping the others, but will skip it in this post.

Another hint that there were two groups of survivors were the next people that we know of to come to the island. When Jack found the two bodies at the spring he opened a mojo bag that contained two stones, one white and one black. I believe that the male and female bodies were laid out in death because their child left them there. Yes, the others were stealing children 40 years ago. The story of Mr. Ecco explains why they have been stealing children, to recruit new members for their "gangs." The "white stone" group also believes they are saving the children from the "black stone" group.

When we discovered that the hatch was a bunker there were two likely origins for it. Either it was Japanese from World War II, or it was from the Cold War era, either Russian or American. Hurley gave another good clue when he said it was like something from World War II, only newer. The fact that all of the writing inside is English makes it American. Add to this the fact that the "tail section" survivors discovered a US Army knife on one of Them.

Perhaps the military discovered the island during WW II and used it during the Cold War because the magnetic properties hid it from satellites. At any rate they certainly must have had problems with the Hostiles stealing items, and probably people. They put the word "quarantine" on the inside of the hatch and gave their people some story to keep them away from the beautiful tropical island and in their bunkers.

When the Army finally abandoned the island Alvar Hanso, a munitions dealer with obvious military ties learned of this government surplus property and bought it. The old computers came with the deal, which explains the lockdown when the plane with food flew over. When an unidentified plane, possibly an enemy bomber, flies over the missile launch site, then the blast doors are programmed to come down and all countdowns are halted. If the base survives the bombing then they can launch their nuclear missile from the silo (the thick concrete that Jack and Sayid found).

Then Hanso moved in his group and then the French ship sank and then Oceanic 815 crashed. There have been some other people coming to the island, such as the sailboat, the balloon, and others we haven't learned of yet (perhaps a movie crew built the ruins of a statue with 4 toes).

And that is the history of Lost Island.